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In Progress

0.1 About the Instructor


About the Instructor

Dr. Eric Jensen

Dr. Eric A. Jensen is a social scientist with a Ph.D. from the University of Cambridge in sociology. Author of Doing Real Research: A Practical Guide to Social Research (SAGE) , Dr. Jensen brings extensive methodological expertise in quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods social research and evaluation. Jensen has been working in science communication research and practice since 2001, beginning with a National Science Foundation-funded project on International Ethics and Equity Issues Relating to Biotechnology. Jensen has delivered hundreds of training workshops on evaluation methods and evidence-based science communication , as well as leading and consulting on projects large and small on public engagement with research, impact evaluation, socially responsible research and environmental communication . Jensen’s latest book is Science Communication: An introduction . He works on the Responsible Research and Innovation Networking Globally social research project as a Senior Research Fellow at ICoRSA. He is a part-time professor at the University of Warwick and a visiting Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Psychological Research of Sigmund Freud University.